THE Twitter poll is a feature integrated into the social network that allows you to interact with your community and develop engagement on your account.
Fun and useful for getting answers to short questions, this marketing tool is increasingly popular with businesses or even individuals on their personal accounts.
But do you really know how to use this tool and design an effective Twitter survey that meets your expectations?
This is what we will discover together in the rest of this article.
What is a Twitter poll
A Twitter poll allows you to ask a question to your community of followers in a simpler way, with the aim of obtaining clear and instantly visible results.
This type of tool can be very effective as part of a marketing or community management strategy, for example.
It allows, among other things, to generate engagement around a question asked directly to the target of a company or an individual.
The Twitter poll concedes certain advantages and disadvantages.
This integrated functionality is particularly interesting since it allows, among other things, ask questions to your followers without having to use additional software such as online forms.
You can add the question in the body of the text and up to four answer choices (choice 1, choice 2, choice 3, and choice 4).
In addition, it is very simple to participate in a Twitter poll, as we will see later in this article.
This can encourage many people to participate and allow you to collect a higher number of votes and therefore more interesting to evaluate.
Results to analyze and exploit
On the other hand, if this tool is simple to use and offers the possibility of both setting up surveys quickly, but also of reaching a fairly large target on the social network, it does not allow obtaining a large quantity of data to analyze.
In addition, if you wish to carry out a survey whose results must be usable within the framework of the development of a project, a customer satisfaction survey or a market research for example, we recommend using much more comprehensive survey software.
Useful for enlivening your community
The Twitter poll remains above all a marketing tool which allows you to liven up a community on social networks in an original way.
This is why we recommend that you use polls on Twitter to, for example, know the opinion of your community about one of your products or one of your services, ask your fans a fun question or ask them about a news story.
Effectively guide your content strategy
Likewise, you can also ask your followers about the type of topic they would like to see appear on your blog or YouTube channel, or ask them for their opinion on a live event.
A Twitter poll only lasts 24 hoursbut know that you can adjust this duration (shorten it or extend it).
The length of the poll text should not exceed 280 characters, the same as if you want to post an image or URL on Twitter.
When the survey is finished, it is not possible to change your vote or make a new vote.
You can nevertheless consult the percentage of votes and the number of participants who responded to your survey on a constant basis.
The names of the participants are completely anonymous and each of them can only vote once per account.
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For take a poll on Twitterfollow these few steps:
- Log in to your Twitter account and go to your profile;
- Click on the button “compose a tweet”: it is located in the left column if you are using a computer and is represented by a pen-shaped button at the bottom right of the screen on your mobile application;
- Once the writing window is open, choose the “question” button
- Fill in the different fields: the body of your question, the answer choices, the duration of your survey and confidentiality (note that you have 280 characters to write your survey question, and 25 characters for each response) ;
- You can add answer choices by clicking on the small “+” button next to the last answer choice already present;
- Once everything is ready, tap or click the “Tweet” button.
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If you want answer a question on Twittertap or click the answer choice that best suits you.
Please note, remember that you can only vote once with your account and that you will not be able to change your choice.
Once you have voted, the results will automatically appear on the screen and you will be able to compare your choice with those of other participants.
We hope that these few tips will allow you to carry out and participate in a Twitter survey without the slightest problem.
Make good use of it!
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