For several years, electronic signatures have been developing and gaining ground compared to handwritten signatures.
Often a good way for sales to speed up sales processes, electronic signatures have many advantages.
In this article we will review why your sales team should adopt electronic signature as a new closing strategy.
What is electronic signature?
The electronic signature, according to Wikipedia, also called digital signature is a term which indicates a mechanism making it possible to guarantee the integrity of an electronic document once signed and to authenticate the signatory, by analogy with the handwritten signature of a document paper.
In a world that is evolving and increasingly entering into the all-digital erathe electronic signature therefore becomes an essential and essential element.
Electronic signature solutions are also easy to use and allow you to send, track, sign and validate your electronic documents from anywhere.
To be able to create an electronic signature, you have different options.
The least expensive: you can make an electronic signature directly via a document editor such as Mac preview, or any PDF editing software, but be careful, this will not have any real legal value. To do this, you must use a service provider certified by the authorities.
The most practical: use an all-in-one electronic signature solution.
If you are wondering how to sign a PDF document, we strongly recommend using e-signature software to simplify the process.
For example, if you want to send a contract to a client and wait for it to be signed. Using signature software will save the prospect from having to print the contract, sign it by hand and scan it again.
With an all-in-one solution, you can send your contract via this solution, the prospect signs online without having to do anything else, the deal is signed in record time.
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3 advantages of electronic signature
Increase your conversion rates
Great feeling with the client, contract sent and suddenly no more news. Does this sound familiar to you?
Well that’s it with e-signature!
Today, most digital signature software allows you to track each time the prospect opens the contract, whether he shares it with a colleague or others. You can very quickly realize if there is activity around the contract and quickly contact your prospect to encourage signature; you simply no longer navigate blindly!
The first advantage of using electronic signature in your sales processes is the drastic increase in your contract signature rates.
Shortening the sales cycle
Closer is good, closer quickly is better!
As the digital signature reduces the actions to be carried out by your prospect, you receive the signed contract much more quickly.
In fact, by using an electronic signature solution, your prospect no longer has to print, manually sign, scan and return the contract. You will therefore save a few days by implementing this system.
Contract flexibility and commercial efficiency
Another advantage of electronic signature is the fact of being able to create hyper-personalized contracts that can be changed at any time without having to worry about printing, scanning and other time-wasting paperwork.
By creating a standard contract on an e-signature solution, you will be able to add variables according to your customers and your sales will greatly gain in efficiency on this part and especially in flexibility if changes are requested by the prospect.
As we have seen, electronic signature has many significant advantages for improving the performance of your sales team.
So what are you waiting for to test?
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