In a selling processsellers and salespeople are inevitably confronted with objections from their customers. Objections are in fact one of the stages of the sale.
They occur after the prospecting, the first contact and the argument. Objections should be dealt with in the best possible way to turn them into assets.
In this article we explain how to deal with customer objections and most effective sales techniques.
What are customer objections?
In addition to the classic “no”, or the “thank you, I’m not interested”, the objections express the customer’s concern, worry or doubt.
Objections are an integral part of the process of selling a good or service. Thus, the objections will relate to the priceTHE productTHE serviceTHE delivery delaythere qualityTHE competitive offers.
Regardless, it is necessary to understand that a prospect’s point of view will always prevail. Whether right or wrong, the goal is to find the best method to deal with objections.
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Common obstacles in the sales process
otherwise called business objection, this step is the highlighting of obstacles between the proposal and the need of the prospect. There where the pretexted reasons evoke the non-desire to acquire the product or the service proposed.

It is important that salespeople and salespeople know the main objections in order to remedy them and close the sale.
Anticipating the objections expressed by the customer makes it possible to develop a commercial strategy based on good foundations. And in all honesty, is answering objections part of the daily life of a company?
But preparing a well-constructed sales pitch is not enough. Indeed, it is necessary to listen and value the client’s words.
Subject to an offer, the prospect will mark his hesitation or lack of interest with one or more objections. This results in a brake on trade negotiationcial and a blocking of the conclusion of sale.
Thus, to convince and achieve acceptance of the offer presented, the objection must be properly dealt with.
What are the main objections in the sales stages?
There are many customer objections which may arise during the various stages of the sale. An objection may be based on real and well-founded facts. In this case, the offer is not suited to the prospect and will have little chance of succeeding.

It can also be real, without necessarily being justified. Here, the prospect is the right target, but his remarks reveal a bad experience or simply a misunderstanding.
Note that these objections vary by industry, company, and customer. It’s important to prepare for the most common criticisms in their field of activity.
Thus, before making contact, on the occasion, for example, of a product launch, study the targeted customer persona. This knowledge makes it possible to anticipate objections and helps generate leads.
1). “I don’t need your product, your service”
One of the most common objections. She expresses lack of need, or even interest, for the product or service offered. Accentuate the speech on the added value to captivate your interlocutor.
2). ” It’s too expensive ! »
The evocation of a lack of budget is the other commonly used objection. Depending on the price of the offer, it is necessary to deepen the reasons invoked to personalize the proposal.
3). “I’ll think about it, call me back next month”
Two interpretations are possible. THE customer is interested and requires time for reflectionOr use this subterfuge to avoid saying no directly.
4). “I am not empowered to make this decision”
THE prospect contacted is not a decision-maker, a frequent argument in a B2B business relationship. Establish a relationship of trust and thus determine who to contact.
5). “I’m happy with what I’m currently using”
The hint of satisfaction related to the use of a product or service is a classic objection. Knowledge of your product is essential for highlighting these advantages. In addition to products or services, it may be software or tools.
6). “No thanks, I’m a customer at…”
Unless a prospect starts his activity, the search for customers inevitably goes through this objection. Because’he works and is satisfied with his current situationthe presentation must be fast and efficient.
7). “Can your product do…?” »
Your customer shows his interest by asking specific questions about the technical capabilities and potential of your product.
This is an opportunity for him to compare it to a property already in his possession or to the competition. To make these leadsof the qualified leadsit will be imperative to satisfy his demands.
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To better understand the various objections expressed by customers or prospects, several sales techniques exist. It is essential to understand thata sales objection does not necessarily mean that the prospect is not interested.

More than that, objection is one of the phases of the sales process. As such, it is an important part of the negotiation.
An effective handling of sales objections, if it does not allow you to finalize the sale, will enrich your customer database. A significant asset to relaunch a client.
You will see this when reading the methods CRAC, SONCASE And ADERA, listening is the key leading to the closing stage. Dealing with objections can be done in a thousand different ways, however, these techniques have proven themselves.
The CRAC method in 4 steps
- Dig : listen carefully to the objections of the prospectinterpret them well;
- Reformulate : returning to him what you have noted underlines your interest in him and establishes a climate of trust;
- Argue : inform him about the ability of the product or service to respond favorably to his objections;
- Control : check that you have been able to reassure your interlocutor.
The objective of the CRAC method is to propose a handling of objections that details the uncertainties of prospects without being aggressive.
The SONCAS method became SONCASE in 7 steps
- Security : all the more important in times of crisis, the identification of this need in the prospect makes it possible to erase his worries;
- Pride : confirming a customer in his privileged status is a good way to promote him;
- Novelty : sales argument par excellence, the appeal of novelty is a strong marker of covetousness and the desire to possess;
- Comfort : offer an optimal sales experience to your prospect through the simplicity of your sales pitch. Be attentive to the desire for material or psychological comfort of his client;
- Money : significant obstacle to the purchase decision, it requires from the salesperson a discourse based on the quality/price ratio and return on investment;
- Sympathy : in a society governed by digital, relying on a personalized interview reinforces the commercial action;
- Environment : the change in climatic conditions has changed the SONCAS method in sales method under the new acronym SONCASE including a seventh lever. Respect for the ecosystem is now an essential factor and an important criterion for many people. A point to highlight by companies and their sales representatives.
The ADERA method in 5 steps
- Acceptance (the seller) : listening to the objections expressed by the prospect contributes to establishing a relationship of trust;
- Discovery : show interest, in order to clearly identify each advanced blocking point;
- Empathy : inform the customer that you understand these remarks;
- Answer : provide a clear and precise response to each objection raised;
- Acceptance (the client): check that your answers meet your client’s expectations, that he has no other objections.
FAQ – Handling Objections
What are the most common sales objections?
Sales objectionsor commercial objections are the expression of one or more obstacles between a proposal and a need.
However, among all sales objections, 5 are particularly recurrent. Knowing them means being able to respond to objections, understand and suggest:
Price too high
A very common objection, but which can hide others. Concentrate the speech on the value of the product or the offer and be force of proposals.
Preference for a competitor
The lack of knowledge about a company, its products can be a source of distrust. A legitimate open exchange to present the company and to listen.
Request for reflection time
This objection is often accompanied by a request to send documentation. Take advantage by extending the conversion in order to best estimate the interest of the prospect.
I am not a decision maker
Direct the interview to obtain an appointment with the person capable of deciding. In case of refusal, it is likely that it is a pretext to reject the offer.
Your product does not interest me
An open conversation makes it possible to clarify the reasons. Ignorance of the product, preference of another brand, the important thing is to reassure.
What are a prospect’s legitimate sales objections?
While a number of objections are raised for the sole purpose of putting an end to the commercial process, others may be legitimate. It is a question of recognizing the arguments to avoid pointing the prospect and considering on the contrary to conclude the sale.
The customer can, for example, mean thathe never makes hasty decisions. In the face of personal reluctance, insistence is not appropriate. Propose a later appointment respecting the requested reflection period.
In B2B, it happens that the commercial proposal comes up against the fact that the budget has already been used. This objection, which is perfectly legitimate, involves suggesting a contact in correlation with the implementation of the next budget.
The delay in the availability of the product, induced by its manufacture, may cause a legitimate objection from the customer. If he needs the product in a shorter time, let him know that his requirements have been taken into account.